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Friday, April 3, 2009

Doeg Kills Priest of Nob

Can you believe Doeg kills all the priests from Saul? Saul sees the priests act as conspiracy so he has them all murdered. But luckily one escapes and goes with David. However I find it funny that David say "The man who seeks to kill you want to kills me to. Stay with me and you will be safe." Okay Dokay, that makes sense?!?! David of course knew he was going to be safe and Abathar, being a priest must have known the same.

How many times in our own lives have we jumped to conclusions about what someone did, put together ideas, judged and then persecuted then only later to find out we were dead wrong?! I guess no act, like Saul's or even the priests, can really be understood until we really Know the Person and the Motives of that person! Right? Right! Another words.....don't pre-judge someone just by their cover. Get to know then first!

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