Homeschool Curriculum Reviews, Tips, Helps and Parenting Advice

  • Let me apologize for not really writing anything the last Continue reading School Week of October 20, 2014

Friday, July 31, 2009


OK, I am being lazy about this post. I just posted some information on my regular blog about VBS at my church, Calvary Church and I can not seem to paste it here for some reason, so instead of re-typing it all I am just giving the link.

Also, my church is doing a great study on Genesis. Yea, I know you probably think..."I know Genesis. What more could I learn?" Well, let me tell you I have learned so much over the past few week. If you are interested in learning more in depth study of Genesis, they have MP3 files of all their sermons. Check out some of the MP3 for Calvary Church of Santa Ana.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Linen Belt a Sign

As I read this about the belt, I was confused and decided to look up what this meant. Why would God use this analogy? Then I found out that the belt was actually an undergarment and what it was signifying was the intimate relationship in which God once had with the people of Israel. Now the whole trip to find a belt, wear it, bury it and retrieve it makes sense.

It seems as if there is a drought that is just exhausting everything. So much so that Judah prays. "Do not forsake us!" But the Lord does not accept their prayer. He will not listen to their prayers until they repent of their sins! With Jeremiah talking about all this destruction etc. The people decide to go to another prophet and see if Jeremiah is right or not. Probably in hopes that they can get the next prophet to speak otherwise. Its like getting a second opinion for the Doctors. LOL. These false prophets do exactly as the people want. They say there will be no doom and gloom. God states that those who prophesy in my name but "I" did not send them will die!

Jeremiah is feeling despair! He has spent the majority of his life preaching to Israel and every single one of them hates him so that they want him dead. But God reassures him that he will be lifted up and vindicated

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Circumcission Not Guaranteed

Ultimately, Jeremiah states it quit clearly here. Or I should say God speaks through Jeremiah. God is in great sorrow over the sinful nature of these people. So much so he tells them they are like uncircumcised people. That's a big blow!! It is senseless to keep building these idols. Even the goldsmiths are shamed by it Their images are known as frauds! I love that image of the blacksmith being upset as they build these idols and everyone knowing that what they are building is a fraudulent god.

But what brings God even greater sorrow is the fact that they just will not stop worshipping idols. It is very clear not only in the text but to me, that God alone is great. But in the end this destruction that will hit these people will eventually be good because it will be a purging the evil that has taken over their hearts.

But the real pain of all this is the persecution of Jeremiah. "Let us cut the tree from it's fruit and cut him off from the land of the living". I know God says the Christians will be persecuted, but why? Even now he needs to reconfirm with God. He ask the very same questions we all ask. WHY? Why do the wicked live at ease while we stay persecuted? His answer is basically not to envy the wicked because their seemingly well off live and ease of live is only for a moment. Ours is forever!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

False Religiosity Condemned

Now Jeremiah tells them that the temple will be struck and become a den of robbers in sort. The people are not allowed to sacrifice due to their idol worshiping of "Queen of Heaven". Basically He is saying that you can not sin, not repent and feel secure. No Way! After his temple sermon we then read some messages from God. He identified the sin that they are doing and threatens judgment once again. He basically says that it is better to know our Lord then to feel secure in this city due to the temple.

Now Jeremiah is preaching to return to the law. He even talks a bit about some things going on in his life and how his hometown is plotting to kill him because of his preaching. Ahhh, but God will eventually punish them and once again no one will survive the coming invasion. God was making it and still makes it quit clear what he wants from us. There is no second guessing with God. The main thing he wants is our willful obedience for our life.

But look "you are trusting in deceptive words that are worthless"

Monday, July 27, 2009

Advesary Will Devour

Jeremiah calls the people to repent as he has been doing all along. However this time is a bit different. There is an enemy forming an army and he want the people to come to God so they can be saved because the enemy army will completely wipe out the land. Jeremiah is torn by this that he walks up and down the streets begging people to repent. But he can not find one Godly person. Their sin and lack of admittance of sin is depriving them from the good that God is willing to bestow upon them. But then Jeremiah see that it i God leading this army. Why? Because God wants the people to repent and turn away form their sin. Jeremiah talks about the smelting silver (refiners fire) which is just another symbol that calls for moral cleansing. If only they/we would repent. Think about the future. Isn't it easy to repent now then to see the fire that God will need to cleanse us.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Such strong words. Faithless Israel is more righteous then unfaithful Judah. To me this is a great example of today. We have the new look which is the crosses on shirts and crosses in jewelry, Christian symbols are in a lot of today's trends but the people who wear it are unfaithful. They know who God is they wear the stuff that make people think they might be a christian or they wear it because it is the fad, but they are vacant of God in their heart. He even states that the people will say "As surely as the Lord lives..." but it is lip service not from the heart just as we say GOd bless, or I'll pray for you and then tuen away 5 minutes later.

In this part of today's reading Israel is begged to come back to God. The faithless are asked to see Him again and repent and believe again. That is all God wants. Just to have us love Him. It would be like our own child deciding never to call us again. How sad and heartbreaking it would be. It clearly states how sad God is and how much agony He is in seeing His children acting the way they are and walking away from Him as they have. The thing is they are letting all the sin they have done deprive them from being with God.

It is like a spiral. They sin and don;t ask for forgiveness and then sin again and don' t ask etc, etc. Then one day they are so deep in sin they feel there is no God for surely He would help. But the thing that is forgotten is the fact that all they need to do is ask for forgiveness. Do let all that shame and sin get between you and God. Ask for forgiveness TODAY!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Jeremiah the Weeping Prophet

Jeremiah has now been appointed by God to be a prophet. In his first vision he sees an almond tree which symbolizes the judgment that has been held off and now will be forth coming. His next vision is of a pot that is tipping from the north which symbolizes the military that will cut down the Jewish homes. Basically Jeremiah's job is to warn people about the coming doom that will take place very soon.

As Jeremiah preaches he talks to to the people about God being the "living water",. I love how that is brought up here. Just one little mention of the up and coming Christ and the need for this living water. He also talks about how they have turned their backs but not their faces. How they only seek God when they are in need and need help. And God's come back? Where are your Gods when you need help. He even talks about them denying their sin. Yea, like they are so perfect.

It is so hard to read the last few paragraphs of this because it reflects in my own lifetime. How many time in over 40 years have I said oh yes Lord here I am but then turn my back to him when I was asked to serve. Oh but as soon as I needed Him there I was on my knees begging. Even today, I see that I still do this in some respect. I think we all do to some degree. Whether its talking to a lost friend about Christ and then chickening out or volunteering when asked, but not thinking we can do the job etc. There are so many things that God asks of us, but how many do we turn our backs to Him on. We may think that we do not have gifts to serve but Jeremiah was not the "type" but God can equip us if He sees fit and if we really are willing to say yes and mean it.

These people are no different here. All God has been asking for 100's of years so far is for them to come back to him. To look to him for everything. TO Love Him unconditionally. Sounds easy, but it really is harder then it sounds. The Bible is proof of that. But, there is absolutely no good excuse for basically abandoning God. Ahh, but the really happy news is that all He wants us to do to get back in His good graces is to ask for forgiveness. This is so hard for some. I know, cause my daughter is one that has a hard time asking for forgiveness. It is worth it to have the living water run through our veins once again.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Zephaniah Prophesies About the Day of the Lord

Oh good, I was glad to see that a young 8 year old was not going to try to run a kingdom alone. His relative Zephaniah steps in to help out and it seems to be that he is a Godly man too. So much so that he prophesies about the judgement of the world as well as the judgment of Judah. he explains that they need to turn back to God because once this destruction starts there will be no turning back. There will be no help and hand holding from other nations because they too will be destroyed. He speaks of Jerusalem and how and how it has become a city of oppressors therefore it will become consumed. However eventually the people will come together and turn back to the Lord and rejoice in Him.

Basically Zephaniah is saying to seek God. There really is no hope for the world in a whole, but as a one on one individual basis there is hope. if we make the choice to turn to Him. If we do this then it will change our future. Shoot it will change us!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

From Manasseh to Josiah

Finally! A king that actually loves God! This is a king who actually will turn things around for the people....finally. Todays reading was short and sweet and not much really to talk about. Except...Told you so Nineveh! :)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Nahum's Prophecy Against Nineveh

Nahum in his first chapter talks about God and how the Assyrians will be plotting group. He talks about how God will be taking vengeance against those who are enemies of His people. But then he talks directly to Nineveh. He talks about the destruction that is about to come about. He jabs at the cites defenses and reminds them how oppressed they really are.

Nahum drives home the guilt of Nineveh. He explains that they are prowling on the innocent and ends up killing them. Or how this city is like a prostitute who enslaves others by witchcraft. Basically they are evil! God is clearly against them in this reading. He even explains that people will clap their hands when they fall to their demise. I mean there really is no pity to be had for these Godless people.

No one cries or feels for the cruel people. Ahh, but we can know the relief that he talks about from this oppression. God will give us that relief in His own time. But be rest assured it will come to you and me!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Been out of touch

Seems that the past few weeks or so I have not been in touch with anything. Life has gotten so busy and I have found that the reason I have been so tired and sort of down is the fact that my B12 level was so extremely low. I was having an extremely hard time getting up in the AM and even doing just simple things around the house not to mention even homeschooling the kids less alone trying to read the bible. Every time I would read anything I would almost immediately fall asleep. It has been going on for sometime now but the past couple months it was just getting worst and worst.

I finally went to the Dr. and started taking B12 shots as well as vitamins. I think this little miracle vitamin is doing the trick for me. I have energy that I have not had in months and months. Even the kids notice I am not as grumpy and moody and "lazy". However, I am over a week behind in reading so instead of trying to read each day one at a time and posting I think I will just read what I have missed all at once or in one or two readings and then start posting with the current reading. I am feeling better, but I do not want to overwhelm myself.

So I just wanted to let those of you who have been asking where I have been what is going on. Now you know and I am back!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Continued Restoration & the Messiah

This is the start of the talk of the Messiah. You see one of the reasons we needed a messiah so badly was because we just did not have it in us to be a servant of God. It was always too difficult for the Israelite to serve God. They always need to go off and do their own thing. they needed something they could see, feel and touch to be able to serve it. So they had their idols.

If you think about it since the death of Christ and a few thousand years, we have pretty much turned into Israelites once again. There was a while there that many, many people had the see, feel and touch and fell to their knees saying I will serve. But now, it is back to idols.

How many different religions do we have, how many people have a many different idols they worship. If you were God wouldn't you be discouraged? Wouldn't you be hurt? Yet here is one things that remains true. GOD! He stills loves us, is there for us and keeps his promise. Boy if it were me and I spent thousand of years trying to get my children to obey me, I think I might give up! Shoot, I have been trying for 7 years to get my children to obey em and I'm pooped. I can;t imagine 2000 years +.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Isaiah's Prophecies About Restoration & the Messiah

Wow, did Isaiah take a turn. We have been reading and I have felt so depressed while reading about all the judgment that will come to Judah but now he has taken a turn to comfort them. He talks about the Word of God standing and how the Lord is sovereign. He speaks of Gods control and strength and how Israel is especially chosen by God no matter what.

I guess you could say the whole idea here is that we can take some sort of comfort knowing who God really is. He is our strength if we just trust him with our day to day things. You see I trust God with my soul. You do too. Right? You trust he knows exactly what to do with it and where you belong up in heaven. Right? Then why is it we can not trust him with the smaller things like a decision on which curriculum to purchase or helping us to loose weight etc? If we can trust God with the biggy...our soul then we certainly can trust him with our day to day lives. Let go and trust in God.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Spiritual Decline Under Manesseh

Man or man! So now Hezekiah dies and his son takes over at the ripe old age of 12. You think that might be too young to rule a nation?!?!?! Anyway, he ends up being the bad seed of such a God loving guy and turns the whole nation against God in jut 50 years of his rein. He is bitter, mean and kills and God finally says that is enough and tells them hes done. They will all perish and fall under Egypt!

Now this is a great moment to bring up the whole idea of children turning away from God. As a Christian homeschooler , we pray and do a lot of things through out our 24 hour day with the kids that all relate to God but if we do not explain why we should love God and then eventually, when they get a bit older, ask our children to commit their lives to God , there is always the possibility they could go astray! And even if they do commit their lives, they could still go a different way if the circumstances are just right. Just like Manasseh. The one thing we can all do for our kids is pray for them and pray with them. Yes, lead by example, but as you can see sometime examples are not the only answer. It is possible the Hezekiah led by a great example but neglected to explain the Whys of worshiping God. The Whos of God and the Whats will happen if we go astray. This is all so very important. Yes do it age appropriately, but do it. Do not expect that they grow up in a christian home they will be Christians. This is a perfect example of this not always being so.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Last Years of Hezekiah's Reign

So here we have a man who about ready to die and he prays for an extent ion of his life. God see that Hezekiah is a good and righteous man so he extends his life by 15 years. But he starts to show some pride in his heart and God gets a bit upset with him after he has given him such a gift. But he apologises and God forgives. Then Isaiah tells Hezekiah that Babylon will take over. So Hezekiah builds up his city, the walls, armor etc to protect his city and fortunes.

Later the field commander from the king of Assyria comes and makes a proclamation to the people saying basically that it is impossible for them to be saved wither by force from the help of Egypt or by their God. He goes on to say that this God has not saved other countries so why should they listened to Hezekiah's God now. He will not save them. They should join forces with the king of Assyria. Well, in short Hezekiah prays and prays and eventually God bring upon the king and his troop a death so that when they wake up in the morning there were thousands dead. He ended up dealing with his tail between his legs in disgrace. This allow for the Lord to be exalted by many people and many lands. I am sure that was His plan all along!!! :)

So what does this all mean??? I think it means two main things. Our worship to God and how we worship Him makes all the difference in the world. Especially if we come to him wholeheartedly! It also means that God will give us back what we give Him in honor. He loves us and wants us to be with Him forever and all we have to do is give Him the Honor and Respect He deserves!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Isaiah Warns About Egypt & Ethiopia

This next reading is all about Isaiah's thoughts on Egypt and the devastating judgement that will rein down on them from God. When this happens he predicts that a change will happen where all will worship God once more. But he then talks about how shallow the peoples faith is. But as we see the people do not trust God alone so they continue to try to get aid from the foreign peoples of the land. They even try to get the prophets to say what they want to hear. But, as he states here one day God will deliver them from their eneies and bring rain and punish their enemies.

The one thing I really want to pick up on here is the fact of shallow worshiping. The people will come around, but it will not be with their hearts. It will be with the rituals that God asks from them. Their hearts will still be hard towards God. We have to look at ourselves too. Do we have a hard hear. Do we go to church and put on our best appearance of good little Christians or do we come broken and ready to give everything to God? He wants 00% not 90%.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Fall of Israel

"They followed worthless idols and they themselves became worthless!" Re-read today's reading. Do you see how many times the Lord states not to worship any other idols. Not to worship any other god. Hmmm, you think God maybe wants us all to him selves? Duh. Yea! That is like your child calling a man on the street daddy or a woman mommy and doing everything that person says whether good or bad. Would't you feel a little upset?

I noticed something here. Well, not just here, but this is where I will comment on it. Have you noticed that every time the people of Israel turn away from God it is the leader that turns them away? Yea! Even in America today we have the same thing happening. We have leaders who are following idols of their own and not following Gods rule. Look at the homosexual agenda for example. The current president is supposedly a christian. He should know what is right and wrong in the eyes of God, yet he will still allow for homosexual marriage and abortions etc?!?!

Our fearless leaders around the world can make or break the way we people worship the Lord. In some countries you can DIE for mentioning Jesus' name. Now that is even sadder, but true. What can we do as God loving Christians who put God 1st to change they way our country has become like the Israelites? How can we make more of a difference and make our leaders come back to God. The first and most important way is to pray. I pray with my kids daily for our country and our President to come back to God. To look to Him for advice. You can too. What other things can we do? What suggestions do you have?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Isaiah Continued

I water it daily, I guard over it. I love those words. God is there always with us watching us. There is nothing we can hide from him. Not a thought, not an actions...Nothing. With that said, it is also hard to comprehend that. Isaiah gives many great words on exactly how God watches over us. He even says woe to those who try to hide thier plans from God. Who will know God? Woe to those who say, He has not made me.

Can you believe it. He even states back thousands of years ago about evolutionists and people not beleive in the maker...Creation. Funky! It just seems to me nothing has changed. I mean nothing. We have a world who is so far removed from the Lord. We have many different religions. And even in some of those religions people are fickle to their gods. But Isaiah reminds us that the blessings will be returned to us. That our sins will be forgiven! Yee Haw! Praise God that He is a loving, kind and forgiving God. But it is up to us to do the hardest thing ever asked of a human. Have faith in a God that loves you unconditionally and shows himself in so many things around you if you just open your eyes to it. And then to ask Him for forgiveness. Lets take a moment right now and ask Him to forgive us of our sins.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Isaiah Warns against Relapse

Once again Isaiah is warning the people against their failures to worship God. They have come around now and see that they need to worship Him, but Isaiah knows that at any moment they could turn away from God once more. Which is pretty sad. I guess I have to remember that as I read the Bible, the time span is over hundreds and hundreds of years. Think about where we are right now. True Christians are far and few. Yes, there are those who proclaim to be Christians, but they are really not. They say the right words, maybe do the right thing in front of other people, but their hearts are far from being right with God. God to them in in 6th or 10th place. Not 1st or even 2nd place in their lives.

He even talks about the leaders not worshiping God. I think this can apply to us easily too. We are all leaders to come sort of degree. You see when you proclaim to be a Christian and a believer in Christ you have a duty to act like a Christian. You don't flip people off on the freeway and have a fish sticker on your car. You don't cheat someone out of money and wear a cross on your neck. Get my point! I know we are human, but just as the president has a standard to uphold as people watch him, we also do as Christians. People watch us closely. But if our hearts are not in it, it will reflect on the outside in the things we say or do!

It is a shame that we Christians can not learn from the mistakes we read about in the Bible. But I guess that is what makes us such imperfect creatures. I think Isaiah said it perfectly here. "These people come near to Me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is made up only of rules taught by me. I need say not more!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Isahia Tells of Last Days

OK, I have come to conclusion that Isaiah is depressed and very upset at how the world turned out. Every time I read these readings I get depressed. I can see why he writes the way he does. He really wants to get the point across that the way the people are acting and the things they are doing are going to lead them straight to hell. Maybe we need Isaiah to come and give a speech to our President and his men. So I do understand all of that. He does have one glimpse of light in his reading. He talks about the rejoicing of the saved. How feeble hands will be strong, blind will see, the sand will give water. This was a nice way to end today's reading.

I think Isaiah is like a what we would call today the hell and brimstone Christians. Those that are always trying to scare the you know what out of you to get you to turn away from sin and turn to God. Unfortunately that never worked for me. It was the love of Christ that worked for me. The thought that there was someone out there watching over me every second of the day and loving me through all my terrible sins. But for some this fire talk works. And with a new king, Hezekiah, the country should have a new leaf turned over in no time.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

The Reforms of Hezekiah

Praise God, a man who finally had a heart for God. A man who was not afraid of standing up for what his community was founded on. Hezekiah was now in charge which meant that everything the people knew or thought they knew about religion was all going to change. He had the temple cleared out of all idol and anything that was not pure in the eyes of God. He then had all the Levites and Priests get themselves cleaned up. Soul, body and mind. And lastly he sent a letter throughout all Of Israel foe all those who were ready for the change to come and celebrate the Passover. I was actually cheering as I was reading this. Oh yea, then he prayed to God and asked God to forgive those who were not ceremonial clean. To give them a small break because they were finally coming back to God. And of course God was gracious enough to do so.

Can I just dream for a moment? Imagine it 4 years from now and we elect a new president. This new president not only stands by the rules of the Declaration but he also stands by the rules and is not afraid to stand up for what this country was founded on. GOD! Imagine he says no more gay marriage, prayer in school, pledge allegiance with the word God in it, He leaves the word God in our courtrooms and on our money. A fearless president. A strong leader. A man who puts God first. Wow. It would sure be nice to actually see a president in office who was fearless and did the job according to Gods word. Well, I know when the Messiah comes back, he'll have a bit to say to those past and current presidents who are cowards to actually follow Gods word. Oh yes, I know a few have said that they are Christians. But many people say they are, but obviously their actions speak multitudes. But then again, I am certainly not perfect either, but I am not a president of the USA who has the whole world watching me say one thing and do another. Am I? I would love to see a Hezekiah come into office here in the USA. OK, my day dreaming is done.

As I read today's reading I was just taken back and in awe of this leader. He seems to be the leader that really could make a difference for his people.

Friday, July 3, 2009

More of Isaiah's Prophe3cies Against Nations

A we see here he now starts to prophecy about judgment against all the nations. Philistines will see the viper spiting venom, Babylon will see the day of the Lord with His fierce anger and destroying all the sinners. They will overthrown just like Sodom and Gomorrah. But God will have compassion on the house of Jacob and they will make captive their captors.

I like the title they gave this. Babylons Satan like fall. Even the pine trees will rejoice one you have been taken down. The graves give a cheer to see you coming, Babylon you are weak and fallen from heaven. Basically the world will rejoice when Babylon falls.

God will judge all of their sins as well as our sins. Babylon was so prosperous but it will be all taken away from them in a blink of an eye. Other nations looked up to them, but they will no longer. Those other nations needed to look into their own doings before they looked on at Babylon. Just as we today. W#e tend to look at other people and see them being prosperous and we say oh they must be right with the Lord. But that is not always true. We can not judge pother people based on how much they have or not have. That is NOT how God judges us and neither should we.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

More of the End

Isaiah talks more about the end. How all the animals will be the only ones to inhabit the land. He then talks about how Arabia will not see power for another whole year. Later he talks to Tyre, the wealthy seaport and talks about their demise. And then 70 years will pass and then and only then will the Lord deal with Tyre once Again. Then we move over to King Ahaz and his blindness to his sinful nature to sacrifice to other gods and his worshiping to idol gods. But after his death Hezekiah took over and he was fortunately faithful and steadfast to the Lord.

You know nothing but God can give us the strength to keep going. Nothing but God can hold our heads up when we are down and nothing but God can help us up when we have fallen. I am so glad the God is on my side.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Isaiah Prophesies Against Nations

OK, I think I am in a little yucky mood today. I hurt my wrist and ankle and I just don't think I am able to concentrate very well. I read this section twice and I am at a little lost for understanding. It seems like this reading is filled with judgement and telling the people what is to come in their future. Or at least the dark side of their future, (if you know what I mean) of what is to come about. If I am reading it right he is talking straight to Babylon, Moab and Assyria. He talks about how God will judge the sins of the nations. Shoot the sins of man in general.

That is a scary thought considering where our country is going. I mean we once were a country of prosperity and based our lives on the Bible. Hey, we based our Constitution on the Bible. Today, well, I do not have to remind you that our government is far away from that ideal. I mean we are trying to take God out of Government all together. The schools don't teach about it anymore (government run). They do not even teach the real reason why the pilgrims came over. Religious freedom! Do they still use a Bible to swear on in the court house?. So if what Isaiah say is right we, as a nation will be judged. Whew, scary to think what he will do to us.

I guess, what we can do is once again live our lives for God in everything we do. Hey and let me make it very clear, I am not bashing the USA. I love my country. There is no such thing as perfection except in Jesus Christ. So I can not expect a government filled with imperfect people to be perfect. What I can do is pray for the decisions made by the leaders. But, I do have to say, the one HUGE mistake our country has made was walking away from God. I only pray that more and more of the people will walk closer with our Messiah and be willing to not have the future Isaiah predicted be that of the good old USA.

By the way, if I am way off on my reading today, let me know. Give me your thoughts and inputs!