Wow, did Isaiah take a turn. We have been reading and I have felt so depressed while reading about all the judgment that will come to Judah but now he has taken a turn to comfort them. He talks about the Word of God standing and how the Lord is sovereign. He speaks of Gods control and strength and how Israel is especially chosen by God no matter what.
I guess you could say the whole idea here is that we can take some sort of comfort knowing who God really is. He is our strength if we just trust him with our day to day things. You see I trust God with my soul. You do too. Right? You trust he knows exactly what to do with it and where you belong up in heaven. Right? Then why is it we can not trust him with the smaller things like a decision on which curriculum to purchase or helping us to loose weight etc? If we can trust God with the biggy...our soul then we certainly can trust him with our day to day lives. Let go and trust in God.
Let me apologize for not really writing anything the last
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