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Friday, October 2, 2009

Zexhariahs Futuristic Prophecies

Wow, this was a lot to read today. A lot to take in. Le t me see if I can recap this correctly. He begins by telling us about Gods defense of Jerusalem and destroying of other nations that cities people are called to rejoice. He talks about how the Messiah will come riding a donkey into the city. The Zechariah predicts Judah's rejection of the promised Messiah. He then describes Israel rejection of Gods Good shepherd and how they see Him as only worth 30 pieces of silver, slave value. With the Messiah rejected, go dallows His people to become victim to worthless shepherds who will feel on them instead of protecting them. Basically, by rejecting Jesus we reject salvation.

God will deliver His people from the attacking nations and in the future they will have a spiritual conversion. They will be delivered from sin. When the city of Jerusalem is under attack God will appear with a 'host of angles" and a great earthquake will split the Mount of Olives. Then the Lord will establish the kingdom of the messiah over the entire earth. We know that Jesus will rule over the entire world in the future. those of us who have faith believe this, but the question still lie int he fact that he needs to rule over our hearts, minds and souls TODAY!

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