We now are learning about the prophet Elijah and how he foretells the drought coming and how God will fee him through the Ravens, and then once that was all done he was told to go see a widow. Now imagine this. He tells this poor woman that she is to make bread for home and not for her family with the little bit of oil and flour she has left. And she did it! That is faith. Then this poor ladies son dies, but through the power of God Elijah is able to raise him from the dead.
Elijah goes out and as he is walking he meets up with Obadiah. He tells Obadiah to tell Ahab that Elijah has arrived. Obadiah does that even thought he is fearful that Elijah will disappear again and Ahab will kill him. Elijah warns Ahab and the Israelites that as they follow Baal they are making a grave mistake. But he asked them to call on Baal. As the people shouted and cried out there of course was not answer. But when Elijah call for the Lord…The fire consumed all the sacrifice. The Israelites saw this they cried. The Lord id God! With this Elijah call for the death of the Baal priest. Then guess what happened? The drought ended.
As Ahab was going to meet Jezebel, she sent word to Elijah that she wanted him dead. Elijah got scared and ran. As he lay under a tree until the angel of the lord appeared and gave him food to strengthen him. This way he was able to make it all the way to the cave at Horeb. Once there he heard from the Lord once again and was to go to Damascus and anoint the king and to then be called a prophet.
There are several things to pick up on here. The first thing is trusting God. The widow trusted God, Elijah trusted God. And we must do the same. Because we are really never alone in life. He is right there. Here is one problem I see. We make mistakes we tend to get really hard on ourselves. We get depressed and down and then we end up fleeing and hiding. But that is not what we are to do. We must never punish ourselves more then God would do to us. We must keep our faces on God and ask for guidance.
Let me apologize for not really writing anything the last
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