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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Preaching of Jonah Against Nineveh

Ok, so we all know the story of Jonah and the whale. He is asked by the Lord to go to Nineveh and he runs. He is on a ship the sea gets really bad and the people on the ship realized it is Jonah’s fault so Jonah asks to be thrown over, God saves him by having a big whale swallowed. He prays to God from inside the fish and the fish spits him out on land. H preaches to Nineveh and they repent. The king of Nineveh orders that all the people are to be more righteous which lead to God having compassion on the people.
Jonah gets mad at God because he said he knew that God would have compassion on the people. So when Jonah goes outside the city to pout God give him a vine to cover him from the heat, but wh3en Jonah continues to put God takes it away and bring a harsh wind. And God explains that the people of Nineveh are more then his one person.
Wowsers! So here is what I picked up on from all this. You see Jonah believed in God and went by his standards most of the time. But when something really hard came his way, he needed to look to God once more instead of fleeing from fear. You know that knowing God does not always guarantee us doing the right thing and we see that here with Jonah. Isn’t that why we do these Bible studies.
The other thing I see is the compassion that God gives us. So much so that He give so many of us second chances and third and fourth etc. I read that we are not called to believe God is compassionate but to be compassionate because He is. This really sums up the story of Jonah perfectly.

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