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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ezekiel's Prophecies During Seige

We see here that Ezekiel first has a few oracle against Judah's neighboring cities. Ammon, Moab, Edom, Philistia and Egypt. Each one has the same base line which is watch out cause God is against you and you will fall and then you will know that "I am" Lord. Ezekiel goes into an extensive amount of oracles directed to Egypt. Gee, I wonder why?! They have been a thorn in the Israelites side for years.

He talks about how not only will Egypt fall but all of her allies along with her. He goes and makes a comment about each city and how it will be destroyed. Then he speaks about the Pharaoh. he directs his writings to the Pharaohs and says that all his arms will be broken and that he will fall into the hands of the Babylonians. This will then break the poser that the Pharaoh has over the land. Because of the pride that the Pharaoh had, it caused his fall. This can happen o us today. Too much pride and self worshiping and worry about ourselves too much can cause us to fall and fall hard...just like Egypt!

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