This was a long reading and so much was going on here, but the main idea here is that the people ask Jeremiah for his prayers and tell him that they will do what ever the Lord tells them to do. And yet when he gives them what the Lord says, they out right reject it.
The Lord tells Jeremiah to tell the people to NOT go to Egypt. That they must trust in the Lord for their food, water and all the things they need. That going to Egypt will in fact end their lives. They then have the audacity to claim the Jeremiah is working for Babylon. OK, that is from the devil! What do these silly people do?? Go to Egypt anyway. So Jeremiah warns them that all will perish either by sword or famine. They are told this over and over again that their wives burning of incense to the Queen of Heaven is wrong, that their drink offerings is wrong. They come back with the fact that they felt when they were doing this they had prosperity and as soon as they started worshiping the Lord everything failed. Ahhh, but not all were worshiping the Lord. Their wives were still idolaters. Their hearts were still idol worshiping.
Basically it is the same thing. If we know God's will for us, if we read the Bible and know His word, If we go to church and hear how our lives are suppose to be, it makes no difference if we are not willing to put it into action. Those who know and hear the word and do nothing to place it in their lives will perish!!! That means, go to church weekly, read the Bible daily, pray to God in thanks for what He gives you and walk away from the idols in your life. Money, vanity, possessions etc. Rely on God and trust in the Lord and He will give you what you need!
Let me apologize for not really writing anything the last
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