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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

God fortells Judah's Imminet Destruction

The Jews I think figured they were safe because they are God's chosen people. But Ezekiel soon points out that yes they are the chosen, but they were chose to be righteous. And so far they have been like "a vine that produces no grapes". Just think about what God has gone through. The first people here on earth were so bad and all worshiped idols except for 1 that He had to wipe them out. Now we have a new set of people and we/they are doing the same thing. The difference? God made a promise to us not to wipe us out like that again. I bet He is regretting that! But still He never said He would not judge the wicked in His chosen people. And that you can bank on. These people are in a higher place then the norm. They are to live a life different then those around them. That is their responsibility! To show others who God is through their actions.

Now they start asking Ezekiel that if God does judge it will actually be for their ancestors sins not their. Right? Uuuh, WRONG! It is not my fathers fault of the choices I make. My parents may have formed who I am (my personality), but it is my choice to follow God or not. "The soul that sins in the one who dies". If your are righteous, you will live. I think it is pretty simple, "repent and live!" We are each judged for our own actions and we must take responsibility for those actions. We must change the future of our world and teach our children that. Our country has gone way to long blaming others for our actions and making others pay. No, we need to pay for our own sins!

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