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Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Nation Under Law Con't

OK, so now a year has passed and it is time to celebrate the passover and take a military census of the tribes of all adult men except for the Levites. With the Tabernacle in the middle each tribe is placed around it in the order God wants. God then claims the Levites as his own, in place of the Israelites first born whose lives He spared in Egypt. Now the Levites are assigned specific duties according to each family.

Can you believe it? 603,000+ men of military age. How long did that census take and I feel for the man who had to count and write it all. Then they had to list each man by name. Just goes to proves that each one of us is equally as important to God and that He really does know us by name. I mean come on who on earth could have counted all those people and wrote all those names without the help from God?!

Now it becomes so clear why all the offerings. I mean in yesterdays reading there was so much animals and flour etc. I was wondering how Arron and the other priest could deal with it. But it is clear that some of it was to be for the Levites for their duty as the Tabernacle watchers, cleaners, taker downers and putter uppers (LOL) etc. Hey with Gods help anything is possible. Even such a huge responsibility as caretaker of the Tabernacle.


Unknown said...

Hi Kristen--I am learning so much from your study notes. Here's a couple of things that I've learned studying these materials on my own:
1--Feb. 3's study--you asked a couple of questions--NOTE: I am not a Bible student per say--just a woman that loves to study her Bible--deeply. So re. signifance of the Number 7--(Most of these answers come from the footnotes in the Quest Bible-NIV--Pg. 123--Ex. 29:35--The 7 days of creation, in which God's work was completely finished and perfect, set the precendent for the number 7 as a symbol of perfection or completion. For the same reason, some religious feasts lasted for 7 days. Taking 7 days to ordain a priest (or consecrate an altar, v.37) indicated a process leading to perfection, making the priest (and the altar) holy--separated from the ordinary to be used for God's purposes." Ex. 23:10-11--Pg. 113 footnote: "Numbers emphasize various themes. The number 7, for example, symbolizes God's perfection, sovereignty and holiness: God created the earth in 7 days; our 7 day week is an everyday reminder of our Creator; the Lord blessed the 7th day, making it holy, and He commanded that it be remembered by keeping it holy because God rested on that day from the work of creation (Ex. 20:8-ll)." It then goes into more numbers signifiances too.

#2--re. signifiance of blood on the right ear lobe, thumb, toe..
Again Quest Bible says:
Page 122 sidenote--Ex. 29:20-- "We know little about this puzzling ceremony. Perhaps these parts of the body were symbolically cleansed by blood to represent God's desire to direct every part of our lives: ear lobes for the things we hear and think, thumbs for the things we do and toes for the places we go."
Also: Lev. 8:23 sidenote says: "Many cultures throughout human history have favored the right side over the left, perhaps because most people are right-handed. The right side is often favored in Scripture (Gen. 48:17-18; Matt. 25:34, 41).
Putting blood on the ear, thumb and toe may point to one's hearing, working and walking. Together it's possible that these body parts represented the entire body--the whole person--just as the horns of the altar apparently stood for the whole altar (vs. 15). Putting blood on them symbolized a complete restoration of the priest's relationship with God."
In the "Believer's Bible Commentary" it says probably the ear lobe stood for obedience to God's work, thumb for action/service; and toe for walking. Significant need of cleansing from sin in every area of human life.

Phewwww! Sorry this is so long. But I wanted to make these comments is all.

Looking forward to reading more of your comments in this study. God bless, your new friend, June

OOPS almost forgot my #3.

#3. "Holy Spirit"-- Ex. 35:31 when it says that God had chosen Bezalel and Oholiam to do the fancy work in the Tabernacle--"He has filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, ablility, and knowledge in all kinds of crafts..."
Quest Bible--Page 125 sidenote:
"In what way was Bezalel filled with the Spirit? Ex. 31:3--
"Bezalel was equipped with extraordinary skill in arts and crafts. In the O.T. God frequently gave a special anointing of His Spirit for the purpose of craftsmanship, prophecy (I Sam 10:10) and leadership Judges 6:34). This anointing shoudl NOT be confused with the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in the NT. It may provide a parallel, however, to some passages in Luke and Acts where individuals were filled with the Spirit for specific tasks."

Kristin said...

WOW! Awsome. You know the 7 thing...Dugh! He created the world in 7 days. Talk about not using my brain!!!! Thanks for giving it a jump start.

Your study notes are fantstic. I am a day behind right now. I was very sick yesterday and just did not have the energy to read. I'll catch up later today.

Thank you again for you wonderful insight and comments!!!!

Kristin said...

WOW! Awsome. You know the 7 thing...Dugh! He created the world in 7 days. Talk about not using my brain!!!! Thanks for giving it a jump start.

Your study notes are fantstic. I am a day behind right now. I was very sick yesterday and just did not have the energy to read. I'll catch up later today.

Thank you again for you wonderful insight and comments!!!!