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Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Story of Ruth

What a beautiful story of love for family and friends. there is no greater example (other then Jesus) of friendship.

This is a story that is so well known. there are a few things to point out here that i am sure most people already know. The first is the fact of how we act towards those we call friends and family. Kindness says more then words can ever say. The kindness Naomi showed toward her elderly Mother-in-Law spoke so much about the character of her. So much so that her reputation was well known. That good reputation opened up doors to a much happier life then a widow would ever expect. but here is the thing. it was not a pretend reputation. From what we can tell, how she was to stranger was how she was to her family and visa verse! Now that is a reputation I seek to have too! Consistent! Therefore God rewarded her not only because of her kindness, but also because of her loyalty to her family and for seeking God.

There are so many tragic things that can happen in life. But if we act like Ruth and Naomi, just maybe our tragedies can turn to triumphs, but only as we trust in our God. And only if we work hard at doing our best and treating those around us as God/Jesus would treat us.

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