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Monday, March 23, 2009

Samson the Strong Man

You know I have heard this story and seen cartoons hundreds of times. I never knew that he was married before Delilah and I never knew his eyes were cut out. Just and FYI!

You know Samson's parents really seemed like they were Godly parents. They trusted God and believed in the promise that was told to them by God. They seem to live by God's rules!Yet here was there son who was far from Godly, dedicated person who you expect to come from such a home. This has always been a worry to me. I raise my kids in a Godly environment and try to live according to Gods words daily, but there is always that worry that they will someday walk away from God when they grow up. I guess this story shows us that even those parents that do everything right and are great parents can have children that make all the wrong choices!!!

Anyway, Samson, unfortunately, was ruled by his PHYSICAL desires. Lets look at the world outside out 4 walls. I turn the TV on and there is naked (or almost) women advertising underwear, a sexy woman on top of a car to sell it or even soda for that fact, billboards outside showing half naked people embraced in a sexual hug... shall I go on. Out physical desires are all around us daily. This is one reason i omit the TV for the most part of the day.

Look, we have to make sure we do not make the same mistake as Samson. Our bodies our Gods not ours. I am not saying we should not have any desires or enjoyment (get my drift). Wat I am saying is that when those physical enjoyments are at a cost of either our marital relationships or children or worst yet...our salvation, then we need to remember this story and know that at one point or another there will be a fall.

Samson was a strong man who thought NOTHING could ever touch him. He was wrong. Those physical desire cam crashing down on him and he lost everything including his LIFE!

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