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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Deborah and Barak

Ok, so I just realized that they last 5 days or so of my bible study notes I have not been publishing. I have beedraft saving them. Silly me. Oh well, I guess thise few of you who are reading with me and reading my notes will forgive me.

You go girl! Deborah illustrates an important truth. even in a male oriented society a woman with exceptional personal and spiritual qualities can rise to leadership. When the Hebrew society broke down, there was Deborah to pick up those pieces and mend it back together with her vigorous leadership. just remember what qualifies a leader to be a leader is not their color of their skin, their size or even their gender, but their relationship with God and whether or not they have been called to ministry by God.

I know in my own life I have fell into this gender trap. For many years when I was a new christian and I would see a women preach...Oh how that bugged me. I just thought that all preaching would have to be done by a man. I know kinda a weird statement coming from a woman. But yea, I was one of those who believed a woman's job in the church was not up on the podium preaching. Well, almost 20 years later, I realize that there are so many women of the Bible that lead. i think there is a place for everyone. A woman who speaks and teaches about the word of God? Well if Deborah can have a whole chapter entitled to her and how she lead the Hebrews, then I think a woman can certainly teach the word of God in church. Besides, in the Bible it states that the mature woman is to TEACH the younger woman! I have to admit though , the jury is still out on the woman with the title of Minister/Pastor/Reverend!

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