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Saturday, March 21, 2009

Jephthal and Five Others

So Jephathah is like Abimelech in the fact that his mom was not married to his father. Therefore he was put down and sent away. Oh, but, sure as day, the people who be-littled him and sent him to live on his own want him to come back and help lead them into victory and great leadership.

the one thing I noticed about Jephthah (other then the fact I have no idea how to pronounce his name which made for a fun ready to the kids) is that he really seemed as if he had a great knowledge and faith of/in God. the sad thing about this is his vow he made to God if he was given victory! Which I find a weird vow, but then again I am from AD not BC! LOL. Now he has the possibility of loosing his daughter because of this vow.

Now the Bible never actually says she died so there is a possibility that God kept her from death. It also states she WAS a virgin, so was indicated past tense so maybe she did die. But on the other hand the fact it mentions she was a virgin has a possible connotation that she may still be alive. Needless to say I will probably do a little research on this this weekend..

The point here is that he was faithful! He had a difficult childhood and was an outcast etc. But none of that lead to ruining his adulthood. He still knew God and he was used by Him. And unlike allot of promises I have made to God over the years and have not kept (you too I am sure), Jepthah was willing and may have kept his vow/promise!

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