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Saturday, March 14, 2009

More Division of the Promised Land

This next reading is more of a continuation of yesterdays readings. They show the people continuing to obey Gos. They establish their cities, then the refuges cities and of course provisions for the Levites.

The message here again is all about obedience. Just imagine our society today. What would it be like if we really cared for one another as we are told to by God. What if we really took care of our fellow neighbors, maybe even smiled to a stranger, picked up money someone dropped and actually gave it back to them?

I think, however, we will see in the next coming chapters a great spiritual peril! You see I think whenever we humans have victory or greatness or answered prayers it is then that we tend to let our guard down. We relax and unfortunately our commitment to the Lord dies out! But this is the time when our obedience and commitments to God should be the strongest so as to help keep us from evil!

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