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Friday, March 27, 2009

God's Call to Samuel

Wow, this reads like a story from Indiana Jones movie. I can see that the makers of that movie must have read this passage and made almost the whole movie from it.

OK, so this was actually very interesting. So after Samuel grows up and Eli dies, then we have this big saga of the Ark of the Covenant getting stolen and the Ark being put next to Dagon and Dagon falling several times because of the power of God. Hey even some men died because they looked inside. I wonder if they melted like the men on the movie and huge bright light came from the ark too. LOL

It seems to me that the Philistines had more faith in God then the Israelites did. I mean, think about it. They did not have to believe that it was the Ark that was causing all the deaths and problems form each village. They could have just pushed it off to coincidence. They also realized that it was God not some religious relic that was causing this.

Sometimes I think that

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