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Friday, March 13, 2009

Division of the Promised Land

Joshua now has to divide the land among the tribes. But there is a short blurb about the man named Caleb. If you remember this is the guys who was sent out with a few other to spy out a land for Moses. When they came back he was the only one who believed they could take over the land. the other spies put fear in the Israelites hearts about it.

This is a great reminder of how God really works. What I mean is sometimes we get an answer from God or maybe we don;t get an answer at all. Then we get down and we think our lives are all messed up. Boo Hoo! But see if we wait on God patiently it all works out in the end. Yes, sometimes we have to wait many, many years, but somehow, someway it all works out the way God planned for it to anyway!

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