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Saturday, May 16, 2009

Proverbs of Solomon: Wisdom

OK, here we go. Poetry. I have realized something about myself since I started doing this study. I do not enjoy poetry. It is beautiful and all, but it is not me. I have a hard time understanding all of what the writer is saying. I have to read and re-read it to get it sometimes. So I will try my best to understand what we are about to read. With help again from God he will guide my mind and give me the wisdom to understand.

Wisdom was with us from the beginning of time. God approves of wisdom and we are told that if we hate wisdom then we must hate death. We need to open our whole life to God for direction and wisdom. Wisdom is found in 2 ways. It is a gift from God as well as a searchable thing to obtain. But we need to listen. Put aside our pride (thinking we are better then...). But also as a parent it is our responsibility to pass along wisdom. The most important wisdom to pass along? The wisdom to seek God.

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