So now that Solomon is in power he decides to do a little house cleaning. His brother Adonijah asks to marry Davids nurse/wife. Solomon takes this as a threat to the throne and has him executed. Then he decides to clean up a bit more by executing Joab, Abiathar, and Shimei. Now that all the threats are gone, his throne and Davids line is secured.
Well this is little tough for me to see what and how this can be applied to my current life. I am certainly not going to go murder the people who could be potential danger to me and my family etc. But here are a few things I can see that Solomon was trying to do. I feel that the Lord was directing him to go this route in order to protect his father line and descendants. Who knows what might have happened if his older brother lived. He might have tried to kill him. So it takes a lot of strength to follow what God asks you to do. Even the things that may seem far fetched.
I also see that he was not procrastinating like his father and he was trying to prepare his future. The fact that he was looking into the future and trying to prepare and protect it. This is something we should all be doing and trying to teach our children. I wish I would have learned that at an earlier age, but it is never too late.
Let me apologize for not really writing anything the last
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