Psalm 45: The psalm praises the royal groom, followed by advice for the kings bride and a wedding benediction.
Psalm 47: All peoples are called to praise God. He is acclaimed as He takes the scepter and His throne.
Psalm 48: God is praised as the ruler and defender of the holy city, Jerusalem who keeps the city secure and so stimulates the praise of His people.
Psalm 87: The psalmist affirms God's love for Jerusalem. One day the nations will honor the Lord and Zion will be praised.
Psalm 110:The Messiah is exalted as Lord by the Lord and His royal victory predicted. At the same time He is introduced as a priest, not of Aaron's line but after the order of Melchizeedek. It is to Him, Gods King/Priest, that the Lord will give victory.
Let me apologize for not really writing anything the last
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