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Saturday, January 10, 2009

Abraham Arranges a Wife for Issac

Gen 24 This chapter reminds me so much of the sacred history they use to have to continue their lineage. Today we do not feel that drive like we use to. We take marriage so casually. It was so important to marry within the same religious group that your family was in. Today we have mixed religious marriages (not equally yoked) and wonder why the marriage is suffering. Then, we had children to carry on our their name and the family heritage. Today we get abortions because we can not afford or want the burden of having a child. What a difference.

This chapter also reminds me of how important it is to ask God for guidance. We go along in life and get complacent and forget that we are not doing this all on our own. Yes, we have choice, but God is there directing us and guiding our circumstances if only we take a moment and ask and listen.

Abraham knew that after his wife's death that his time was coming soon to be with the Lord. He wanted to make sure that his son got a wife from his religious background so he sent his servant to go back home and find a wife for his son. You see not only did Abraham pray about finding a wife for his son, but also his servant prayed. He is unnamed which I find ironic since he plays such a pinnacle role in this part of Abraham and Issac's life. He carries out a mission that calls for selfless service to his master. He bows down to God in asking for help and then bows down even deeper to Thank God for the help He has given him. And Rebekah goes with this servant not really knowing what lies ahead for her, but goes in faith that God knows what's best for her and her family.

My prayer is that I can in all circumstances do that same as this servant and Rebekah.

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