You know I went back and read ysterdays entry. Wow, was I in lala land or what. You see what a reall bad, almost migrain headache can do to you. Anyway, my head is on right today and I have my thoughts put together much better.
Israel seems very desperate or in need for some sort of priestly leader. It is well shown when they convince Aaron to make an idol for them. What strike me as really funny is that Aaron denies making it. He says he threw the gold into the fire and a calf appeared. Wow, how sin can harm even the best intentioned person.
When God told Moses he was going to kill everyone, Moses prays to God as asked to forgive them. Did God relent? Did Moses persuade Him to change His mind? I think not. I think it was more of a test for Moses he wanted to see if he cared more for God's honor and God's people then the prospect of personal gain. You see when our motives in our prayer life are right then our prayers will be powerful. When we pray for a change in the other person, do you think that is right. No! We need to ask for a change in us in dealing with that person. Remember that next time you pray for someone.
There are 2 types of anger. Justified and unjustified. There is the anger of pride. This is usually a reaction to a personal sin of some sort. A justified anger would be one like Moses. He gets angry at the people because of the things that made God angry. How they re-acted against God. Either way we do have to be careful of anger. Even justified ones can get out of hand.
When Moses had the Levites kill all those people I was saddened that God allowed that somewhat of an evil act. But I have to remember that God does not do evil in the sense of a moral evil. God allows evil things or does a punishment to evildoers. You have to remember that the wages for sin is death!
The last thing I really really liked was the fact that God allowed Moses to see Him. Not His face, but his back side and that Moses face was radiant. Can you just imagine just catching a glimpse of God? Oh my, how glorious it would be. I am getting all teary just thinking about it. This radiance was a proof for the Israelite that God was real It showed the transformation that takes place in a believer when the presence of God is with them.
Let me apologize for not really writing anything the last
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