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Monday, January 5, 2009

The Call of Abram

Abram was a very special man. He started out as a man who wandered around more settled people in search of food and water and ended up the father of all nations.

His life was an example to all of us how faith in God should be. Think about it. Gen 12:2-5 The Lord said to Abram "leave your country, people and father's household and go to the land I show you". And what was Abram response...So Abram left as the Lord told him. Wow, can I say I would do that? I am not 100% sure. I would love to sit here and say "oh for sure I would", but when it came down to it would any of us? It makes me think of missionaries. They, to me, feel like Abram. They leave everything behind just to follow Gods word and do his work.

Then there is the fact that he allowed Lot to choose which country side to inhabit. Even though that meant that he would have the lesser of the two lands. So un-selfish!

Or even when he departs from the King he gives him a tenth of EVERYTHING he owns. WOW! And some of us find it hard to give $50.00 a week. Imagine giving a tenth of everything we own? This is a man who really has faith that God will watch over him and provide for him and his family no matter what. The King did not need that tenth, but Abram was willing to do that to show his faith. So cool!

However, we see later that he is still a man and sin still crouches at his door just like everyone else. This happens when he lies to the king about his wife Sari and tells him that she is his sister, which is half true. But what does the king do when he finds out...he shows mercy on him and lets him go. I think Abram, even though he lost sight of the fact God will take care of him realized at that moment when the king could have taken his life, that God was watching over him. How many times do we feel like we are all alone until after the event in which we realize God was there all along walking beside us watching over us and keeping us safe?!

Today's lesson was fantastic. A lesson in faith. A lesson in trust. A lesson in un-selfishness.

By the way, now that school has started again and vacation time is done, I probably will not be posting until about 2:00pm or so, CA time. We read in the am, but school comes right after then my notes posted here. Just FYI!

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