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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Sodom and Gomorrah

So God decides to either go to Abraham in human form or he send two angels. The way Abraham as well as Lot later on reacts to these men, it seems to me that He might have manifested himself in human form.

Gen 18 9-15 First Sarah laughs when she hears that she will have a baby in her old age and thinks God (messengers) can not hear her. She then lies about laughing when she is asked, until she realized she really is caught. This reminds me of our own life. How many times do we lie per day, per week, per whatever? We all do it. Most of us call it White Lies. A little lie about our weight, our age, the amount of $$ we make etc. God calls this sin. We do this thinking first that we will not get caught then secondly because we think no one will get hurt. Well, I am here to tell you...God catches every single lie and He gets hurt by this sin.

Gen 18:22-33 Second Abraham bargains with God not once, not twice but 6 times. But did you notice how he buttered God up prior to this? "....far be it from you! Will not the Judge of earth do right?" Wow, what guts to know you are speaking to God and still try to patronize Him. However, don't we do this same thing? We call it bargaining. God pleeeeease do this for me and if you do I will read the bible daily or whatever.

Third, Gen 19: 1-3 Lot realizes that these two men are God (messengers) and I love the fact that he wants to save them from the bad men of Sodom, but again, its God we are talking about! The messengers did not need saving especially at the price of handing his betrothed virgin daughters over to the men of Sodom. And then later he commits incest with his daughters. Oh I know what you are thinking, he was drunk and did not know what they did to him. It was his daughters fault. I say he had the choice to say yes or no the the alcohol. He chose to drink in abundance and get drunk. So he is just as much to blame as his daughters.

The last thing I find sad and really close to home is the fact that Abraham has no idea whether Lot was righteous enough to have survived the fall of Sodom. I have family members as well as friends in the same situation. I am just not sure if they will go to heaven. This is a perfect example of why we need to talk to our friends and family. Not hound them or shove the word of God in their face, but live it and proudly and profess it out loud. We want to know that our family and friends will go to heaven when they die.

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