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Friday, January 2, 2009

Adams Geneology

Today I got a late start on my Bible study. We took down all our Christmas decorations today! The house is back to normal. By the way, my kids told me today that they like me reading the Bible to them. YEA!!! Anyway, here are my notes for today.

So now we have the first murder. So I wonder, where is Cain? Heaven or Hell? I assume heaven, but I honestly am not sure. What do you think and why? Now Cain was Sooo very angry that his face was downcast. I know I have done things before that after I said or did them, I became very angry and downcast. And I know exactly why he was so angry...GUILT! He knew what he did was wrong, but there was no way to turn back and change what he did. He knew that His heavenly father would be very disappointed as well as his earthly parents. Therefore instead of acting remorseful, he acted angry. Have you ever done that? Yea, me too! I think we all have at one point or another in our lives. I think it might be called being defensiveness.

I love what God said to him in Gen. 4:7 about sin crouching at our doors and all we need to do is do the right thing. Ha, Oh, yea, that is sooo easy. Lets see, we have food addictions, evil thoughts about someone, looking at the opposite sex in a lustful way, billboard tempting us in lustful thoughts of people, places and things, and then all the actions we take on the above etc. And guess what, we all do these type of things.

Genesis is also about populating the earth. I find it funny how we can question Gods ways sometimes. He decided to take 2 people and have them and their off spring populate the earth. And what do we do...we say that can not be possible because that would be incest. But who are we to condemn Gods ways. He also made people to live 100's of years too. So why not just 2 people to start with? Remember I take the Bible literally not figuratively! So when He says 2 people He means 2 people.

Speaking of 100's of year, I am not sure if I would want to live that long or not. But I certainly would like to be healthy enough to do so. The one thing I know is that if we were to eat the way they did back then, and not have all the pollutions of the air we have now from cars and factories etc, we just might have a longer life with less disease. Maybe, I don't know, but that is my thought on it. Well, I guess they certainly did not have a fast food drive through back then either. I can just see them pulling up on their camels to the drive through window to order an apple or something like that. OK, I'm giggling at my own thoughts. I know silly me.

Anyway, see you all tomorrow. Hey and thank you to those who have decided to join me on this year long trip. Once again, I will try to write my thoughts daily, but if I miss I expect everyone to shoot me an email to remind me of my 2009 goal of reading the Bible everyday for 1 year! See you tomorrow!


Sweetpetunia said...

Hi Kristin, this is Julie from the TOS crew. I'm going to try to join you reading the Bible in a year. Thanks for doing this. :)


Kristin said...

Good. I look forward to you view point and thoughs.