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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Joseph the Egyptian Ruler

This story is so interesting. Here you had Judah and the other brothers who have no idea how to make the best of any situation and use bruit force to gain what they want. Then you have Joseph who is so calm and cool and makes the best of each situation he is in. I guess it helps that he has God on his side.

The thing I really like about Joseph is he gives 100% credit to God for his interpretation of dreams. I would love to see more people put aside the fortune telling and the 900 physic hot line and horoscopes. They are all from Satan. If we would just rely on God a bit more we might be able to interpret our own dreams without all the demonic helps.

When Joseph is continually asked and begged to sleep with the Pharaoh's wife he continues to refuse. The contrast between Judah in Genesis 39: 15-16 and Joseph here is powerful. Both were tempted sexually. However Joseph refuses and Judah seeks out to indulge his lustful drive. So here is a one proof that our sex drive does not make us sin but our choice does. Our sexual preference does not make us sin, but our choice does! If we continue to look to God He will give us the guidance to say no. All we have to do is stop relying ourselves. Easier said then done.

Look, God acts for us no matter where we are; Prison, Church, Home, School. All we have to do is prove that faithfulness in even the smallest of ways. Stop, pray, listen and then do as He commands. Once again, easier said then done. But the more we actually try the easier it will get. I for one have not been great at this, but I continually try and over the years it has gotten easier and easier! I can not wait till all my actions are done in 100% faith! I guess that will be the day I am in heaven.

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